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Spider Vein Removal for Embarrassing Facial Veins

The development of spider veins, despite causing pain to those experiencing them, can also provide a significant amount of self-consciousness depending on how visible the veins are. Spider veins on the legs or arms are disconcerting enough, and some people even experience visible facial veins. Indeed, patients suffering from vein conditions might feel some hesitation at the prospect of socializing due to their visible facial veins. Thankfully, Aventura laser vein removal specialists can treat patients and remove visible signs of facial spider veins.


Spider Vein Development


Spider veins are similar to varicose veins, though there are some exceptions. These smaller veins develop in the smaller vessels that carry oxygen and blood to various body parts. These vessels are commonly found close to the surface of the skin. When they don’t work as they normally should, these veins can become visible through the skin. Varicose veins, on the other hand, tend to develop in larger vessels. These are usually limited to the legs, unlike spider veins, which are as commonly found on the face as they are the legs.


Bothersome, but Not Dangerous


The good news about spider veins is that they rarely cause dangerous or overly discomforting symptoms. Additionally, they don’t necessarily represent a threat to an individual’s overall health. The main debilitating effect of spider veins is simply aesthetic in nature. That said, the aesthetic aspect tends to be bothersome for those experiencing facial spider veins. After a while, an individual’s sense of self confidence can take a significant hit. In these cases, it’s reasonable to seek vein treatment options.


Treatment Options


There are multiple options for treating spider veins. These treatment methods can be performed without having to subject the patient to a long, arduous recovery period. Normally, patients can return to their regular routine immediately following the treatment. Some of these treatment methods include:


Sclerotherapy – One of the most popular spider vein treatment options, sclerotherapy is performed by injecting targeted veins with a solution that is meant to collapse the veins by gradually shrinking them. The remaining vein tissue will disappear over the following several weeks as it is absorbed into the body,


Endovenous Laser Treatment – This treatment method utilizes laser technology to remove spider veins. The laser energy is focused directly onto the targeted veins without having an effect on the surrounding tissue. Endovenous laser treatment is meant to destroy the vein by having it absorb heat from the laser. As is the case with sclerotherapy, the remaining vein tissue will be absorbed by the body over the following weeks.


There’s no reason for individuals to have their self confidence weighed down by their facial spider veins. Aventura residents are encourage to speak with their local laser vein removal specialists in order to determine which treatment method would work best


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