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Eight Simple But Excellent Tips For Healthy Living

Every year you likely make the vow to be healthier, eat better and to exercise more. Estimates are that over 80% of us give up on our resolutions by January 14th of the New Year. If you want to follow through with your aspirations for better health, there are some steps that you can take to not only look better but to feel better too.

Try these six tips for healthy living for a healthier new 2016 you

It is a proven fact that having a rainbow diet is more healthy than eating bland, uninteresting, foods. The reason that a rainbow diet is better for you is because foods rich in antioxidants come in different hues and are often bright and colorful. The more colors you can get on your plate, the more nutrition you are taking in. Try to bring a minimum of three colors to your dinner plate to up your vitamin and mineral intake and to fight against aging and illness.

Hydration is essential for good health. It helps to flush toxins from the body and it helps to keep the skin moist and more youthful looking. Water also helps to energize your muscles, which gives you more energy. For those looking to lose weight, substituting water for sugary drinks can save your calorie count and can also help to make you feel satiated more quickly, so you don’t overeat.

Sugar is one of the biggest health saboteurs there is. Not only does it provide the body with empty calories, but it also causes spikes in blood sugar that lead to the overproduction of insulin. When eaten in high quantities it can overload the liver and lead to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Cutting sugar from your diet can also help to keep you cavity free and to prevent premature tooth decay.

To stay healthy and to prevent injury, it is important to get a combination of both anaerobic and aerobic exercise. Cardio exercise is needed for the heart while weight training is required to build lean muscle mass and to optimize your metabolism. The right mix is key to excellent health and weight maintenance.

Many people have cut fish from their diet due to concerns about mercury. Seafood contains Omega fatty acids, which are essential to good health. Consuming fish is an excellent way to maintain joint health and to minimize the effects of free-radical aging. Choose fish that is farm raised to cut back on mercury contamination.

Consuming a lot of red meat can be bad for your cholesterol levels, and there is evidence that it can contribute to the risk of certain cancers. Instead of eating red meat choose leaner alternatives like turkey or chicken.

When thinking about health, not many consider the importance of dental health. Good dental habits are linked to cardiovascular health and are related to immune problems in the body. Make sure to get regular check-ups and floss daily to maintain your health.

There are a lot of nutrients the body needs that you can’t always get from the foods you eat. It is always best to get your nutrition from the foods you eat, but for those times when you can’t, supplementation will increase your longevity and overall well-being. It is a fact that free radicals expedite the aging process, taking a vitamin containing antioxidants can help to keep you looking and feeling younger longer.

Making small changes to your daily routine can have a huge impact on your overall health. You don’t have to overhaul your world, just make incremental changes that produce huge results.

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