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Common Questions About Endovenous Laser Treatment in Aventura

As an alternative to vein stripping, which can be invasive, painful, and require a long recovery, endovenous laser treatment is an optimal choice. However, there are some common questions that potential patients may have for this procedure.

What Is the Difference Between Vein Stripping and Laser Treatment?

With vein stripping, incisions are made in the skin near the groin and/or ankle and the vein is “stripped,” or pulled out through these incisions. On the other hand, with endovenous laser treatment in Aventura, the heat from a laser is used to collapse the vein. Blood is then re-directed to healthy veins, and no other tissue is affected.

What Is Recovery Like for Endovenous Treatment?

Recovery for laser treatment is minimal in comparison with more invasive procedures. Patients will be able to walk out of the doctor’s office and can get back to work and regular routines the following day, though they should take it easy.

Vigorous exercise, such as running, swimming, or aerobics, should be avoided. However, most patients will be instructed to do some walking every day, usually at least 15-20 minutes.

Pain will be minimal and is usually limited to soreness, which is easily remedied by taking a pain-reliever. Bruising of the area is to be expected. Patients will also be expected to wear support hose (medical grade) for a duration after they have their treatment.

What Are the Risks of Endovenous Laser Treatment in Aventura?

The risks for endovenous treatment are few. It is a highly safe and effective procedure. However, it should be remembered that all medical treatments come with some amount of risk. Patients who want undergo endovenous treatment will be thoroughly evaluated in order to ensure that they are good candidates, as the treatment is not the right fit for every person.

Who Is Considered an Excellent Candidate?

Generally, excellent candidates for endovenous laser treatment will have experienced some of the following symptoms:

Other factors that may make a person a good candidate include the following:

For anyone dealing with the above symptoms and suffering from lower self-confidence because of the appearance of the veins on their legs, endovenous laser treatment in Aventura can be an effective treatment. It can improve the skin’s appearance as well as alleviate pain or discomfort caused by varicose veins.

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